Thursday, September 13, 2007

No Poker but good times

Haven't played any poker at all since i got back from newcastle [on sunday], there's just been a ton going on and I haven't really got round to playing. I'm aiming to get a big sesh in tomorrow, although for some really strange reason i'm expecting a downswing.

Newcastle was awesome. Hardly played a hand of poker the entire time i was there, but had a great time. We were there for 3 nights, and there was 4 us, this was the fridge at the beginning of the trip. I spent a fortune on booze because i had the dream of becoming a Tom Cruise-like cocktail king by the end of the weekend. I only really got as far as Stella and rum and coke.

Bought this just before i left, i've been looking to get one for ages and after such a good month i decided now was the time. I'm really pleased with it, it was much smaller in real life than i'd expected from the pics i'd seen which i was really pleased with.

Tuesday night we went out for an Italian at a restaurant near my friend's house, we all stayed round, got pretty drunk and spent the next day at the beach. Went out last night to watch the football [England v. Russia, England played fairly well, a few good performances out there], i'm not the biggest England fan, i'm a gooner and go to a lot of games and i hate most of the England players and international weeks = no premiership which i hate. But it was all good after 5 pints of Kronenbourg and a good feed.

Today was an awesome day. A friend of mine and I once tried to make a potato cannon in our youth. It was abject failure, we managed to fire a chip sized bit of potato about 10ft. Pathetic. A hefty dose of drunken reminiscing last night spurred us onto trying again. Cannon mk1 was a blight on our engineering heritage so cannon mk2 was born. After much fettling and tuning, we prob got the range up to the 500+ft mark. We think more is possible if we try different propellants and sealants. Pics and Vids to follow.

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