Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Shots for a friend, Gaucho grill and fkn ridic poker players

Yesterday was a great day, didn't go to lectures because I didn't go to sleep the night before, just bummmed about all day and did a load of reading i needed to get done. In the evening I played on my friend's account at .25/.5. He joked about me playing on 5/10-10/20 on his account, i fancied the idea so offered 50% profits and i'll cover all losses [a fkn sick deal for him obv]. I didn't let him down:

I decided with my £500 that i wanted to take my housemates out for dinner. We left pretty much straight away and went to the Gaucho grill in hampstead. This place is awesome, one of my favourite restaurants, best steaks i've ever had [go for the ribeye if you ever go, it's unreal]

This is what it looks like:

We all had a great feed and a few glasses of wine [pretty cultured for this household tbh, beats noodles and eating dinner in a stinking, filthy hold of a kitchen], it was a lot of fun.

I've been looking through this thread today:

Some of these guys are fucking sick, i was fucking proud of my graph this month but it got shit all over. It's motivated me to put hands in though, the problem isn't my winrate or stakes, it's the amount of time i play for. I really need to put some more hands in, with the eventual aim of a $100k month . If i could do 50k in a month and still get a decent amount of work done, that'd be amazing.[thats a big aim, pretty much 5ptbb at 10/20 to reach $100k, maybe with shots at 25/50 its possible though]

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