Monday, October 29, 2007

Anyone wanna buy some Ugg Boots?

These things have caused me a whole world of problems this week. I went into an email account of mine yesterday so find several messages from ebay buyers wishing to ask me various details on the ugg boots i was selling there. Nothing too out of the ordinary, except that i'm not selling ugg boots on ebay. Some little bastard has got into my account somehow [through my email possibly or perhaps through a dictionary attack] and listed 6 pairs of ugg boots for sale. Not only did they not gain access to any other accounts but they didnt change the password for my ebay account or email account. Either they're fucking stupid or this is all part of a grander scheme to con me and im the fucking stupid one. All seems to be secure now though.

Because of this, I probably won't get any hands in until the end of the month - my poker account is locked. So here's my final graph for October [still, irritatingly, missing $7.5k at 10/20, so the final total is a shade over $60k]

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